FSTWikiRev. 1.3 WikiSandBox

ERROR: LaTeX does not work properly.ERROR: LaTeX does not work properly.ERROR: Gnuplot does not work correctly
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Some .. smiley

1 The First Section #

Some section one text. More section one text. More section one text. More section one text. More section one text. More section one text. More section one text.

And then here's a list:
  • The first bullet.
    • By the way, that bullet has several sub-headers. (This is the first.)
    • This is the second sub-header. (Duh!)
  • The second bullet.
    1. item one
    2. item two

1.1 Smiley #

:) ;) :-)

1.2 The first subsection #

Here is a link to the page titled: ?BizarStructuredText

And here is another line of text. Incidentally, you might want to do one of the following:
  1. Brush your teeth.
  2. Visit: ?ProposedWork
If not, then just sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.

1.3 Can You Believe There's a Second Subsection? #

They were surprised about the first subsection on this page. Imagine the complete astonishment when they discovered that there was a second subsection! An important part of this section is its reference to the ?MissionStatement. Be sure to check it out.

A Very Important Table

2 What to Do When You're Getting Bored with the First Section #

Here are several possibilities:
  1. Play hopscotch.
  2. Check for loose change in the sofa cushions.
  3. Clip your fingernails.
  4. Change your socks.
  5. Have another beer.
  6. Check out, http://www.halfbakery.com, for instance http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Jehovah_27s_20Witness_20Delivery#979686222-5-1
  7. Go right ahead and read the Second Section.

Please Note: There has been considerable controversy about several of the above listed alternatives to reading the First Section. Some people think they are silly. Some people think they are offensive. And some people just think that they are a waste of time. All of these may be true. However, we stand by them, as we firmly believe that they are all more interesting than the First Section.

Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do NOT create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out.

Tip: Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages.

3 Formatting #

italic bold typewriter

backtick typewriter (configurable)


4 Linking #

HelpOnEditing MoinMoin:InterWiki

http://purl.net/wiki/moin/ [http]Python


5 Lists #

5.1 Bullet #

  • first
    1. nested and numbered
    2. numbered lists are renumbered
  • second


5.2 Glossary #


6 Single line ?LaTeX #

$$ \sum_{i=0}^{100} x_i y_i^3 $$

$$ \int_0^{2\pi}\sin\ x\ dx $$

7 Quote #

pre-formatted, No heading, No tables, No smileys. Only ?WikiLinks
ddddff dsf sda sdf sd 
   WikiSandBox ddsf sdaf sadf sdf saf sda sdf sdf sdf sdf sfd sdf sdf sd fsdf sd sdf sda sdf sd fs sadf sdf sd sdf sdf sdf sdf df sadf ww w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 

8 Processors #

9 Python #

a MoniWiki python colorizer using the ?VimProcessor

10 ?PhpLanguage #

print "Hello World";


dfdf dfdf df d WikiName dfdf dfdf df d WikiName dfdf dfdf df d WikiName

MetaLink:http://www.slashdot.org WikiPedia:Hello World <:( :D X-(

sh: gnuplot: command not found

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last modified 2006-05-18 13:07:29
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